Customized Legal Services For Businesses And Individuals

Assisting With The Development Of Real Estate

A developer planning a new real estate project faces countless issues throughout the development process. The more complicated the development project is, the more likely it is that unique issues will arise that could prevent the developer from completing the project. At the law firm of Corfield Feld LLP, our legal team is focused on finding solutions for real estate developers throughout Southern California. We have over five decades of combined real estate legal experience handling all types of real estate developments, and we have a deep understanding of all of the concerns unique to real estate developers. We will help you find the right approach for your project.

Keeping Your Development On Track

Whether you are looking to build a new housing development, hotel, local mall or new multimillion-dollar mixed-use shopping center, we will carefully explain what you need to do in order to carry out your plans. Our legal team has helped with a number of issues connected to the development of real estate, including:
At almost every stage in this process, there is something that could go wrong which may threaten your ability to keep things moving. Our attorneys will work together with you to ensure that any potential problems are resolved as soon as possible.

Strategy Built On Experience. Contact Us To Schedule A Free Consultation.

Proper planning in the early development stages can save you from having to deal with multiple problems as things move forward. To speak to one of our lawyers, please call our San Juan Capistrano office at 949-444-5306 or send us an email.

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